
03 May: How to Manage Burning Pain on Top of the Foot

Burning pain on the top of the foot can be indicative of several conditions, one of which is extensor tendonitis. This condition involves inflammation of the extensor tendons, typically caused by overuse or injury. Medical history often reveals repetitive activities or sudden trauma as contributing factors. The burning pain may occur due to irritation of the peripheral nerves in the foot, leading to sensations of heat and discomfort.

28 Dec: Cracking the Code of Broken Ankle Fractures

A broken ankle, or fractured ankle, is one of the most common injuries of the lower extremity. This injury is more common in middle aged women and young men, as well as athletes of all ages. Treatment for a broken ankle depends on which bones are broken, if there is injury to other surrounding structures, and the severity of the injury. When the fracture is serious, it may require surgical intervention. It can take several months to recover from an ankle fracture.